

2015/2016シーズンも目前・・・ な割には中々降りませんね〜。ウズウズしてる今日この頃だとは思いますが、そんな時はギアの点検をするのも楽しみの一つ。そして、忘れてはいけないのはビーコンの点検!シーズンアウトと同時に、ビーコンの電池は抜いてますよね?え?忘れた?液漏れのリスクがあります。液漏れすると端子の腐食、基盤の破損など、ビーコンが壊れてしまう可能性もあります。メーカー修理が必要になる場合もあります。他にもスイッチやバッテリーカバーの支柱の経年劣化による破損、リーシュの傷などが一般的にありますので、しっかり検査して今年も安全な山行に備えましょう!



Kamihoro Emergency Shelter

This is the Kamihoro emergency shelter.  If you need to use this shelter in an emergency during the winter months, note that you must enter from the upper floor entrance using the ladder shown in the picture.  There are 2 sets of doors, one on the outside and one on the inside.  Be sure to close it behind you and latch appropriately, or snow will cumulate behind the door, making it impossible to enter.




Hands-On Training is FULL!

I can’t believe it!  It’s only been 34 hours since we opened up our application form, and we’re already full for the hands-on training!  Each year our hands-on training gets a lot of applications, but this is a first ever, and I’m shocked.  Just SHOCKED!  It’s great to know that so many people want to get serious about mountain safety, but at the same time, I’m sorry that we couldn’t accommodate everyone.

There usually are, however, a few cancels each year, so we’re still keeping the application form open on a waiting list basis.  Don’t get your hopes too high though, because there are usually only a few cancels each year, and a waiting list about 10 times longer.  Stay tuned for more info!